Saturday, July 23, 2005

Been trying to do this for a week

Every damn time I try to get on this thing to update, since I am seriously slacking in that department, something comes up. So I finally am on trying to rectify this horrible situation, not that anyone reads this, except my loving mother and darling lil sis. So my sis and I are in the process of moving to Chico to go to school and get a change of scenery for a little while. We go this Sunday to sign our lease, talk to school counselors and look for jobs and such. Pretty excited other than the fact that it is ridiculously hot there in the summer. Hopefully I can get a good job that school will fit around, or vice versa. Well, I will put some pics up soon that are recent, but I left the cable for the camera at home. And last but not least, I am feeling excellent and my leg is almost completely healed. I don't have a cane or anything any more, I will put up a pic of me dancing or something soon. Lates.

Thursday, June 16, 2005

It has been a month.

So it has been over a month since I posted last and I feel like a huge slacker. I don't really understand why I feel obligated to update this blog, other than I feel like I don't talk to my family enough and this is a way they can keep up with me in- between conversations. Haven't really been doing anything too exciting other than trying to recover from my sweet injury. I am starting to learn to walk again, which is fun and makes you realize how much muscle you lose when you don't use it everyday. I have been riding the stationary bike and doing exercises and just going to physical therapy. I should be walking pretty well without a cane or crutches in about 3 weeks, which is exciting cause I am sick to death of crutches. People think that you get loads of sympathy when you are on crutches, but the novelty wears off pretty fast, and telling the story starts to get a little old after about 300 thousand times telling it. But thats ok, at least people are interested and have lots of well wishes for a speedy and complete recovery. I think that will be it for today, lots of love and hope everyones summer is going well so far. Later.

Sunday, May 08, 2005

Time for a Haircut

I think it's about time for a haircut Posted by Hello

All cleaned up and proud again. Posted by Hello

Saturday, April 30, 2005

Here's the gruesome details, one day after surgery... lots of bruising. Posted by Hello

My leg after my post-op checkup with the staples taken out and steri-strips in place... notice the bruising is about half as bad as originally. Posted by Hello

Tuesday, April 26, 2005

Finally posting

This will be short. Mom told me today that it has been 10 days, time is flying by and I didn't really notice. Sunday we went back up to Lake Tahoe to attend my friends wedding reception, that was fun. Got to get out of the house and talk to some other people for a little while. Tommorrow I have my follow-up appointment to see how recovery is going. Other than that, just hanging at the house, reading and thinking of taking up knitting. See you later.

Friday, April 22, 2005

Most of you already heard

So I haven't posted in a while because I broke my femur into 4 pieces. So I am going to do this the easy way and steal my moms post cause it is pretty thorough.

Nikki and I were getting ready to leave yesterday morning to meet Cody and watch the all-women Nikita Slopestyle Snowboarding competition at Northstar. We had decided not to ride ourselves the night before, because Nikki had tweaked her shoulder somehow during the week, and felt that her balance would be off. I figured we might be doing some sitting around, so I grabbed my traveling knitting bag, and threw it in the car along with snow boots and sunscreens... just another one of the essentials, right?

We got there in late morning, and had been trying to reach Cody by phone without success (those of you with good, continuous cell phone coverage in your area just wouldn't understand, but we live in an area where taking 10 steps during a successful call can cause it to cut out; gotta love those mountains anyway). We went up to mid-mountain in the gondola and kept watching for him. We also got to watch some of the competitors doing practice runs. We couldn't figure why we hadn't seen him yet, but then, he probably wouldn't know we had arrived till he got to the top and got service... no biggie.

We started to get hungry, and went over to the lodge and got tacos to share, but kept watching. I pulled out my Hiking Scarf and did a few inches. We weren't really worried yet, but then realized that it was getting close to 1:00 PM, when the competition was scheduled to start, and he still hadn't turned up. Nikki tried calling again, but just got voice mail. Then, her phone rang, and I could tell right away she was talking to someone she didn't know and something was wrong. A friend of Cody's told her he had broken his hip and was down at the bottom of the mountain, where Tahoe Forest Hospital maintains a fully-rigged urgent care clinic at the Northstar base lodge. We rushed over to the gondola, holding onto each other, and waited out the agonizingly slow ride down the hill, hoping we could get to see him before he was transported by ambulance to the main hospital in Truckee.

We were too late... the ambulance had just left. So off we hike to find our car in the boonie parking, and rush to the hospital. We knew that surgery lay ahead for him, and just wanted him to be able to see us and know we would be there waiting before he went in. When we got to the front desk at emergency, it turned out one of his riding buddies, Monica, was there, helping the clerk complete his admission paperwork.

Then, I got to go into the patient ward and it was emotional for both of us. Cody kept apologizing, and I had to say "Yeah, right, like you went out today and deliberately said 'I'm going to get all busted up'". That made him laugh but he was obviously in pain, even with the morphine they had given him before the ride over. The ER doc, Dr. Dodd, came in and at least I am pretty much able to stay calm and focused in these situations and ask the right questions. Dr. Dodd showed me the x-ray, with the explanation that Cody had broken his femur, not his hip, and in four places. This didn't look like the largest bone in your body at all, more like kids' blocks scattered around inside his leg! It took a lot to keep it together at that point. The doc sent Cody out for another x-ray of his lower leg. I stayed and asked some questions. He was explaining how they would insert a rod into the leg, and screws to hold the bone in proper alignment while it healed, and that since Cody was young and totally fit and in good health, he had a good chance of full recovery. I was thankful I had just watched an extreme sports video called "Motorheads" with my youngest son, Jesse, where someone had had to have the same operation, and I could visualize what the doctor was describing and feel somewhat optimistic.

Nikki and I each got to see Cody again on his way to surgery. She was pretty overwhelmed to see him suffering and only stayed with him a few minutes and then called me back in. I wanted to make sure he was positive about the upcoming surgery. I was a nurse long years ago, and my biggest fear is that it is somewhat SCIENTIFICALLY unpredictable when something goes wrong with a young, healthy person during surgery, and I have felt for years that attitude and motivation have everything to do with likelihood of success. He was convinced that the doctors at Tahoe Forest are expert with ortho issues, since they get so many of them each year. He is a very positive person overall, and was only a little worried, making comments from the subconscious about money and slow recovery. We agreed that we would all help him get through it and he would be ok at the other end. We got to tell him that we loved him and would be there when he came out of recovery. I have to brag about this son of mine a little; he was maintaining a cheerful attitude, and making a point to look at each hospital personnel's name tag and address them by name and thank them through this entire ordeal! He even joked with the nurse pushing his gurney to surgery, when another doctor wished him good luck, saying "Well, I guess he can't say 'Break a leg, can he!'".

Then, we got to wait. Nikki was pretty stressed out, so we went to the shopping center a quarter mile away to get magazines to read while we waited. She definitely needed some other pictures in her mind than the one of her big brother laid out on the stretcher in pain and facing surgery. We also stopped at Payless Shoe Source to get her a pair of cheap tennies, since all she had was either heavy snow boots or flimsy sandals.

Sitting in the surgery waiting room is one of the hardest things a person who likes to be in control can ever do. If I hadn't had knitting to pull out, I sure would have been more anxious. I wasn't able to stay focused enough to read much, and probably added another several inches to my scarf. It was good that this pattern doesn't require too much concentration.

We were very relieved when Dr. Dodd came into the waiting room to tell us that the surgery was very successful and that Cody was doing well in recovery. We would still have to wait another hour or so before he would be in his room and we could see him. I kept knitting. Just before 6:00 PM, a nurse came to tell us we could go up to visit him. It was a great relief to see him looking alert and doing his breathing exercises when we walked in. He was still able to say he was "fantastic" when the nurses asked. I was able to get a smile out of Sampson (Cody's roommate, who, with his girlfriend, Heidi, had brought flowers), by saying that we wanted to hear him singing, then we would all really believe he was all right.

The hospital is planning to discharge him late today, and we will be bringing him home with us, where he will be doing some knitting of bones. He can expect to be on crutches for the next two months, although his doctor assured me that he will probably be ready to return to his sedentary job in about two weeks. He is facing lots of therapy, too, and some psychological issues about what limitations he might have down the line, but we agreed that we would all be riding together again next November. Being motivated is probably 90% of recovery. Updates to follow....

Tuesday, April 12, 2005

Serious lack of posting lately

So, I haven't posted for @ 2 weeks now. Believe me it isn't for lack or want of things to say, I have just been busy with working and going riding everyday. We have a couple of new people at work who are always in need of attention and training. This is making my life slightly stressful because they don't seem to be picking up what I consider a very easy job very quickly. Oh well.

Went riding with my mom and little sis Nikki on Sunday. It was a super fun day, sunny, not to warm, and not an exorbitant amount of people everywhere. We weren't in a hurry and they got here around 9:30. We went up and took some runs and Nikki learned how to link turns, ( switch from the heel edge turns to the toe edge turns.) I might have been more excited than she was, but she did say that she wanted to try to come next weekend since the resorts are closing soon. After riding, we went to lunch at the Blue Onion and saw my roommate Sampson's girlfriend, Hiedi. She hooked us up with some awesome lunch, stop in there if you are in the Kings Beach area. We then went to Tahoe City to search out a yarn store for my knit happy Mom; check out her blog if you are into knitting, or the thoughts of an educator living in a small rural community. It is called View from Sierra County. (The stupid link hasn't been working, so, god forbid, you might have to type the address in manually. We got some yarn for a hat for me, which will probably wait till next year, (that is alright mama, I know your busy,) and a sweet ass pattern and yarn for a summer vest/ tanktop thing for lil Nikki. I had a great time hanging out and laughing with my fam, hopefully we can do it again soon.

Friday, March 25, 2005

Tired today

So last night, lil Scottie and I went out for a little while to the infamous Rookies, and what I mean by a little while is that I saw the sun come up this morning. (Sorry Mom.) It was fun and there were a bunch of fun people out, some hot girls and lots of drinking going on. Had some fun dancing to some pretty shitty pop music, flirted with lots of beautiful girls, (I think they were hot?!) and generally lived it up. The Vagina Monologues are playing tommorrow and were going to go check it out, should be a good time. Sorry that I have been seriously slacking as far as any type of pics go. That is all I have time for right now, later.

Thursday, March 24, 2005

One more cop out post

Everyone should check out this cafe press shop that sells stuff to support cancer victims and caregivers. They say they have a humerous approach to battling cancer.

On a completely different subject, I am thinking about quitting my job and switching to something else entirely. Maybe I just am ready for any type of change, to go and do something that is different and possibly slightly outside of my range of comfort. Does anyone know how I could become a professional stunt car driver?

Also, don't know how many of you out there are familiar with the marvelous drinking game Beirut, but there is a pretty good site on it. They have an extensive rules section that will let you put together the rules that you play with at your local gaming house, and also tells about lots of variations. It also has lots of illustrations and good articles on everything Beirut related. Just to make it clear, it is BEIRUT, not Beer Pong. Here is the link, check out the Beirut-Guide. That is it for now, hopefully you are all running to the store for beer, plastic cups and ping-pong balls.

Wednesday, March 23, 2005

This one will be quick

I just wanted to throw something on that I stole from another bloggers site. Just thought it was pretty funny. I will do another update later with thoughts and pics and everything.

This is How to hypnotize a Man.
Hope you like it.

Tuesday, March 22, 2005

Bored at Work

The good news, depending on your perspective, is that it is snowing, has been all day and it doesn't show any signs of stopping. I went to Northstar today and it was pretty warm, almost to the point of raining. At that time, the wind was still blowing the current storm in, so I took one run and left. Other than that, sorry I haven't post the hip-hop show pics or any other pics for that matter, just been kind of busy.

Yes Lindsey, I could sell my body, but I think that you need to know someone that has connections. I don't know what those connections would be to exactly, but I don't think it is one of the connections that I have. I kind of know you, got any suggestions for future clientele? Maybe Abby and I could go into business together, (joking.) For those of you who don't know, if you see comments from Birdsong, that is my loving technologically adept mom.

Really just trying to slow down after last week, ended up going out three nights in a row, this after deciding that it wasn't the best thing for me. Keith asked if I was warming up my liver for the move to Chico. Don't have that much to say today, at least the snow will keep the resorts going for a little longer. I need to go somewhere, preferably to the beach to relax and sip a nice cool beverage and get a tan. I think that is it for now, peace and love to all.

Saturday, March 19, 2005

Recovery period

So I am sitting here at work after two back to back nights of partying. On St. Paddys day I went all out, and yes Tyson, I did thoroughly drink you under the table. But, that is ok. We can't all be as amazingly attractive, witty and charming, not to mention predisposed to drinking as a lush like me.

First I went to the Brewing Co with Jeremy and met up with all the kids that work there. There were wall to wall people and I took down a couple of Car Bombs and some random beers that were not green. Lots of people having a good time and numerous good looking women. From there, we continued on to Rookies where more drinking ensued. At that point in the evening I was contaminating my body with too much liquor, and everything is a little fuzzy. Needless to say, I saw some friends that I hadn't seen in a while and hopped my drunk ass in a cab to get home, (Thanks again Celeste.)

Last night I didn't really want to go out, but lil Scottie was back in town after being gone for a week or so, and we went to see an awesome Hip-Hop show at the Biltmore. The guys were Gift of Gab and Lateef the Truthspeaker from Blackilisous. It was a really good show and there were tons of people dancing and having a really good time. Saw a few more people I hadn't seen in a while, gambled a little and tried not to drink very much. Everyone had a good time and I would recommend these guys to anyone who hasn't heard them before. I got a bunch of pics that I will put up pretty soon that show the crowd and the hip-hoppers.

Today was Boarding for Breast Cancer and it was snowing so I didn't go. Sorry to all the lovely ladies that may or may not have been there and to the rest of you for failing to support such a noble cause. I did buy some of their pink bracelets in support, so I guess I am not a total failure.

If anyone out there is surfing the web and is bored, you can check out a site that I am going to steal from Tysons blog, (seem to be doing that a lot lately,) about three random, cute, funny drunk girls. It is called They are pretty funny and look like they enjoy having a good time, or "treating themselves," as Brent and Steve would say.

Does anyone know how I can make extra cash in my spare time without resorting to becoming a hitman or drug dealer or something equally lascivious. Is that the right word? I am pretty low on funds lately. Oh well, I will perservere and I am sure that things will work out. I will give snowboard lessons, or a "How Not to Talk to Women" seminar, if anyone thinks that people will pay to come to it. Just joking. I think I failed to mention that it is currently snowing here for those of you elsewhere in the country, (who am I kidding, 5 people read this blog.)

I don't know if there is anything else to say right now, except Mom is coming up tomorrow and we are going to dinner. I don't think I have said this in a little while, but my mom is the coolest out there and I wish everyone's family could be so supportive and humble. She is one of the raddest people that I know I thank God or the stars or whatever that I was fortunate enough to be born to her. Hopefully wherever you are, you are content and life is smiling on you, and I think that is all for today. Love and respect to all my friends and family, you all mean the world to me, if you ever need anything, know that I am there for you with all my heart. Later taters!!!

Wednesday, March 16, 2005

Yet another post about shredding

Well, maybe some other miscellaneous stuff to. I should start by saying that in my pseudo-hometown of Downieville, a tiny former gold mining town of about 250 people, one of the four hotels in town burned down the other day. This serves as a reminder to me of how delicate the balance of life and community can be, and especially that accidents, (I hope it was an accident, don't have all the details yet,) can happen to anyone at any time. Hopefully everyone involved will recover quickly and it won't affect them to much, my thoughts are with all of them.

On to a lighter subject, I went riding again today. That makes 4 days so far this week, and I am planning on going again tommorrow. It is the best feeling to be riding all the time, I don't think I have ridden this much since my first years in college. It is good for me motivationally to be waking up early and getting to exercise and learn some tricks before I head off to my uninspiring job. They changed the set-up at the Star last weekend for a contest, keeping everything fresh and all, and then today they put in some more features below the superpipe. Here is the mountain cam, you can see the rails in the bottom left, kind of.

That is it for now, peace boys and girls.

Tuesday, March 15, 2005

Don't have a lot to say.

So, almost getting used to my new work and lifestyle schedule. Went riding again today, that's like 7 days out of the last week and a half. I feel a lot better all around since deciding to ride as much as possible. It makes me insanely happy that I get to ride so much and that it feels like I am improving a lot.

Talked to Tyson today and he reminded me to start filling out my March Madness(College Basketball for the uninitiated,) brackets. On the ESPN website they let you fill out 5 brackets to win $10,000. If anyone wants to do their own brackets, here it is. Good luck.

So, I am pretty excited about the prospect of moving and going back to school and all that it entails. I had lunch with Mom, Nikki and Jesse this past Sunday, and it sounds like Nikki is as excited as me, albeit a little more skeptical. She has never lived by herself yet, and I don't think she realizes how ready she is to do it. We are planning to go to Chico pretty soon,(next couple of weeks hopefully,) and check out the housing scene and I need to stop by the college and talk to a counselor.

I think that is it, I'll probably post again tommorrow, which will be recap and new material. That's it for now boys and girls, have a good night and a wondrous tommorrow.