Saturday, March 19, 2005

Recovery period

So I am sitting here at work after two back to back nights of partying. On St. Paddys day I went all out, and yes Tyson, I did thoroughly drink you under the table. But, that is ok. We can't all be as amazingly attractive, witty and charming, not to mention predisposed to drinking as a lush like me.

First I went to the Brewing Co with Jeremy and met up with all the kids that work there. There were wall to wall people and I took down a couple of Car Bombs and some random beers that were not green. Lots of people having a good time and numerous good looking women. From there, we continued on to Rookies where more drinking ensued. At that point in the evening I was contaminating my body with too much liquor, and everything is a little fuzzy. Needless to say, I saw some friends that I hadn't seen in a while and hopped my drunk ass in a cab to get home, (Thanks again Celeste.)

Last night I didn't really want to go out, but lil Scottie was back in town after being gone for a week or so, and we went to see an awesome Hip-Hop show at the Biltmore. The guys were Gift of Gab and Lateef the Truthspeaker from Blackilisous. It was a really good show and there were tons of people dancing and having a really good time. Saw a few more people I hadn't seen in a while, gambled a little and tried not to drink very much. Everyone had a good time and I would recommend these guys to anyone who hasn't heard them before. I got a bunch of pics that I will put up pretty soon that show the crowd and the hip-hoppers.

Today was Boarding for Breast Cancer and it was snowing so I didn't go. Sorry to all the lovely ladies that may or may not have been there and to the rest of you for failing to support such a noble cause. I did buy some of their pink bracelets in support, so I guess I am not a total failure.

If anyone out there is surfing the web and is bored, you can check out a site that I am going to steal from Tysons blog, (seem to be doing that a lot lately,) about three random, cute, funny drunk girls. It is called They are pretty funny and look like they enjoy having a good time, or "treating themselves," as Brent and Steve would say.

Does anyone know how I can make extra cash in my spare time without resorting to becoming a hitman or drug dealer or something equally lascivious. Is that the right word? I am pretty low on funds lately. Oh well, I will perservere and I am sure that things will work out. I will give snowboard lessons, or a "How Not to Talk to Women" seminar, if anyone thinks that people will pay to come to it. Just joking. I think I failed to mention that it is currently snowing here for those of you elsewhere in the country, (who am I kidding, 5 people read this blog.)

I don't know if there is anything else to say right now, except Mom is coming up tomorrow and we are going to dinner. I don't think I have said this in a little while, but my mom is the coolest out there and I wish everyone's family could be so supportive and humble. She is one of the raddest people that I know I thank God or the stars or whatever that I was fortunate enough to be born to her. Hopefully wherever you are, you are content and life is smiling on you, and I think that is all for today. Love and respect to all my friends and family, you all mean the world to me, if you ever need anything, know that I am there for you with all my heart. Later taters!!!


At 3/21/2005 2:34 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

It sounds like you've been having fun up there. That's good cuz til the end of the semester I'll be living vicariously through you. Take care sweetheart!

At 3/22/2005 4:49 PM, Blogger Birdsong said...

You keep me going! And I am really glad to hear that you ALWAYS take a cab home.


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